Tag: Mormonism
Guest Blog by Jane Freese: Dare to Examine Romney’s Mormonism
At the Las Vegas Book Festival (Nov. 2), Sally Denton, author of American Massacre and Faith and Betrayal said that she was puzzled by the lack of scrutiny about Mitt Romney’s Mormonism Like Denton, I am a woman of Mormon ancestry, and I too am troubled by this lack of…
Pastiche and that Mormon Thing
Since my last blog I’ve been preoccupied with editing This Mobius Strip of Ifs, which is a mixture of essays and memoirs on education, Existentialism, writing, family, movies, death, living, separation, attachment and psychological abandonment as well as societal conditioning. Whew! After pretty well “scrubbing” the text, Jane and I still…
Tell It All The Tyranny of Mormonism, Mrs. T.B.H. Stenhouse
Recently I read Fawn Brodie’s biography of the charismatic charlatan and all around creep, Joseph Smith, founder of the cult religion, Mormonism. The book came out in the early seventies and is a bit stodgy; however, it is backed up with solid historical matter, for Brodie was a historian of some…