Category: Uncategorized

  • Brave New World!

    I find it eye-popping to observe the shared ignorance we are seeing at these town hall meetings. Many of our fellow Americans (yahoos, in effect) vomit the word socialism continuously when I know damn well they have no idea of what it means nor are they in the slightest degree aware of…

  • Disabled

    Facebook informed me that my profile was “disabled” (love that jargon) when I went to log in. It is a scene out of 1984. No information is being given to me, no reasons are supplied. I simply have been deleted. Several e-mails later still no success. it is beyond farce —…

  • At 69

    Yesterday was my birthday. I am so clotted with feelings about the age I am I will leave it be for a moment. Jane treated me for the day on the Strip. Vegas is in a valley surrounded by mountains. The mountains, from the distance, strike me as “false,” in…

  • Who Is Alice?

    Dear Alice, how do you know about the Miller Analogy Test I took in 1966?  Please identify yourself. And please do not write in French. English is my mother tongue. Other than Moliere perhaps, no one equals Shakespeare, a gift from friendly aliens. I promise not to respond in early Mayan.