Category: Uncategorized

  • The Aquifer

    This entry is a follow-up to “Listening with the Third Ear.” The aquifer has filled and I have more to say. Threads and associations have come to mind about what to write. Family disturbances, a trip to Chicago and back, feeling ennui of not an inconsiderable weight; feeling no need…

  • Listening with the Third Ear

    Psychoanalyst Theodore Reik, a disciple of Freud, titled his book in this way. What he was teaching the reader or student was that listening, Freud called it, “hovering attention,” was critical in any relationship with a client; if dreams were the royal road to the unconscious, dramatic listening to the…

  • Kato

    No, not the “faithful valet” of the Green Hornet, a radio series in the mid-thirties, before my time. The humorous  reminiscence of this is that after December 7, 1941, Kato, who was previously of Japanese lineage now became the Hornet’s “faithful valet,” and later on morphed into being Korean. Kato…

  • Cantor Matyas Balogh

    I don’t have much to work with. There is a torn photograph and a business card, both over a hundred years old. The card has faded and is foxed much like an old book or print. In the photograph my great grandfather is wearing his cantorial hat and has strong…