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    Given these several weeks since I Truly Lament: Working Through the Holocaust was released, I have experienced a subtle and sometimes not so subtle resistance to review the book. Holocaust aversion is not uncommon for all kinds of rational and irrational reasons. I encountered this once before with the publication…

  • Harry Jahal’s Interview with the Author

    What does your Book Subject deals in ? Please give an introduction about your book ? “No one who seriously encounters the Holocaust is ever done with it. I TRULY LAMENT is a varied collection of stories, inmates in death camps, survivors of these camps, disenchanted Golems complaining about their…

  • In Asia  

  • By Fran Lewis, Reviewer

    I Truly Lament: Working Through the Holocaust: Mathias Freese When someone is upset, really sorry about an event or something in they have caused, experienced or grieve they often lament. If you lament something than you are truly sorry about it and made a serious mistake. But, how does this…