Category: Commentary
Make Merry
I learned years ago from a gifted psychotherapist friend that one should make “merry.” I worked as a therapist in his counseling center in the early 90s. Occasionally I was informed that the staff would have a get together, the usually drinks, usual snacks and the usual suspects. When I asked…
Acoustic Research, Pun Intended
I wanted to write about this event in a movie I had seen as a preliminary commentary about the essay to follow, but it has slipped my mind and I am chattering now on screen in the weak hope it may re-emerge. The felt-sense of this reminiscence I can feel…
Giving, Giving, Gone
Inwardly I have noticed, rather, I have known that at this time in my life I feel like a farmer’s silo burdened with the riches of harvest; however, there is no market for what lies within, the heavy volume of months of growth and ripeness. It is as if there is…
A Meanness of Spirit
It has been quite a turn of events for me of late, watching the world turned upside down in this country. Values that I thought were imperishable are now dismissed or thrown away into the dustbin of history. The right to collective bargaining is one of these, yet it is…