Category: Culture
Chicago Is
I decided a few months back to “celebrate” my 70th birthday with my son in Chicago. I have no idea what 70 is except it is vexing, annoying, troublesome and has arrived as predicted on the wings of tempus fugit. I humorously detest even saying the age out loud, as…
Sometimes I wish…And Then I Take a Nap
I’m breaking the weak rule I keep for myself, no more than one blog per week. When the unconscious percolates up into awareness and the brewing bubbles burst revealing an idea or feeling to write about, then there’s no stopping that. The heat of the Nevada desert is insufferable; one…
I Have Observed
I don’t know if you have observed but we have become shabby as a country; the American people absolutely deserve what they are getting, for they have voted in the rascals. Indeed, we are the rascals. I have no faith in politicians but I have a greater lack of faith in…
I am perplexed why I keep on writing. I associate to Krishnamurti who was asked by a disciple, if you will, why he continued his teaching after so many decades, given that most people had heard his message and did not change. He answered that a rose has to give off its…