Category: “Knowledge is Death”
In First Person
Many if not most of the stories in my present effort are told from first person. One or two are told from the omniscient point of view, author as all knowing, god-like, Jehovah, commonly known as third person point of view. Rest assured that there are library shelves heavy with teaching guides…
On Reading Christopher Hitchens’ “God is not Great”
The subtitle reads “How Religion Poisons Everything.” This will be a rather discursive blog, so hold on as I cherry pick ideas as we go along. Psychotherapy if decently and competently practiced and if openly and willingly entered into can shake a client to the roots of his or her…
Personal Posturings: Yahoos as Bloggers
Before I begin this howl, I’ll define Yahoo as a lout, brute and coarse human being, the term itself derived from Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. I vaguely recall reading this fabulous book in the early years of college, thinking it was written for kids. Was I wrong! For the past year…
Trains=Holocaust And Other Observations, Railfans
This blog will twist and turn because I have too much mentation floating about with regard to trains. Several commentators have observed that the Holocaust is synonymous with the scheduling of trains during the Nazi era. Cattle cars shuffling along track for hundreds of miles and depositing Jews into death…