Jane Holt…Very Special
I urge readers to see Jane’s comment to my blog, At 67. She has had her dose of adversity — a cancer survivor; divorced; recent rejection for a MFA which she was more than qualified for; a crazed family background — so what else is new? However, as I read her missive I was moved […]
At 67
I observe myself aging. To observe is not necessarily to experience. One looks, the other feels and thinks. Here I will only observe, for these observations will allow me to experience them in quieter moments of reflection. Actions have slowed down a bit; I bend cautiously, sometimes with exertion. In my mind the young man […]
Jane Holt, Rationalist, Matt Freese, Intuitionist
intuitionism n. the doctrine that all things are apprehended in their real nature through intuition Webster’s New World Dictionary There’s the rub! It is on this interface that Jane and I slip. I dare not go on. For twice I have tried to write this blog and the computer ate it up. My rational mind […]
The Sixties Redux
Although John Updike called the Sixties a “slum of a decade,” each of us draws from the tree of life, savoring its juices idiosyncratically and differently. For me 1968 and 1969 were memorable years in terms of pain, angst, high anxiety, acting out, being immature, growing, evolving, fucking up. It is very hard to consciously choose […]