Author: Matt
Catching Up With Mt. Lemmon
I’m at poolside now, late into dusk. In the distance an immense cloud is above the Catalinas. It’s as if a big fist gave a shiner to the sky. A covey of birds, new to me, strut linearly about the pool, mother and chicks. Offbeat bird sounds punctuate the lambent…
Making Sense — The Writer’s Task And His ultimate Folly
I have been away from blogging because I am now deeply into rewriting, rather editing, Sojourner, my historical fiction about a Chinese who ventures to California during the Gold Rush. It is a philosophical quest that he is on. I wrote it about the age of 40, while teaching in…
Cinderkeys Responds
Cinderkeys’ response to my blog about Nameless and his radio show is under comments. I am open to other commentary. I cannot go through this world looking under rocks or for hidden meanings. However, given that Nameless was in possession of a 60 word summary of my book, its cover, and…