Author: Matt

  • Catching Up With Mt. Lemmon

    I’m at poolside now, late into dusk. In the distance an immense cloud is above the Catalinas. It’s as if a big fist gave a shiner to the sky. A covey of birds, new to me, strut linearly about the pool, mother and chicks. Offbeat bird sounds punctuate the lambent…

  • Alger and Calvani Interviews

    Derek Alger, editor, (see links) and Mayra Calvini, author, at have put up two interviews with me. Alger worked me on the phone and we chatted for about an hour as he endeavored to get a sense of who I was as a person and as a writer,…

  • Making Sense — The Writer’s Task And His ultimate Folly

    I have been away from blogging because I am now deeply into rewriting, rather editing, Sojourner, my historical fiction about a Chinese who ventures to California during the Gold Rush. It is a philosophical quest that he is on.  I wrote it about the age of 40, while teaching in…

  • Cinderkeys Responds

    Cinderkeys’ response to my blog about Nameless and his radio show is under comments. I am open to other commentary. I cannot go through this world looking under rocks or for hidden meanings. However, given that Nameless was in possession of a 60 word summary of my book, its cover, and…