Author: Matt


    I have thought about reviewing specific books on these pages. Quite frankly, it is to encourage a give-and -take between readers or writers and this writer, who has expertise in some areas of the human soul. If you wish to have a book reviewed by me, I will give it…

  • Trains=Holocaust And Other Observations, Railfans

    This blog will twist and turn because I have too much mentation floating about with regard to trains.  Several commentators have observed that the Holocaust is synonymous with the scheduling of trains during the Nazi era. Cattle cars shuffling along track for hundreds of miles and depositing Jews into death…

  • Fires In The Catalinas

    The fires in the Catalinas are better contained now, no new flareups that I can see. Smoke channels upwards here and there, but not the darkened clouds of a week or so ago. Containment, then break-out, then containment again. People began to be disappointed in the language chosen to convey…

  • Query Letter for Sojourner: “To Be What We Are, And To Become What We Are Capable Of Becoming Is The Only End Of Life.” — Robert Louis Stevenson

    I’ve decided to blog this query written on 19 August 1990. Of course, I will change the credits and tinker here and there; however, other than squeezing it tighter, I like it. Having just completed a major revision of the book, cutting about 12 pages and revising sentence by sentence,…