Author: Matt

  • Passim

    Often I go to blog and the damn essay vanishes, often because I don’t save it or whatever Gates has perversely devised. The last few days I have not felt the urge to write, for whatever reasons. I wrote a short piece which you can read in Pages called “The…

  • At Harry’s Bar & American Grill

    At Harry’s Bar & American Grill, Papa said, an epiphany comes late to each man and best of all in a clean, well-lighted place and best before dawn before the heat of day is best gone and the shadows stretch long and far into the night, la noche misterioso. “Hombre,…

  • The Blunted Sword of Damocles

    All is well. The biopsy was benign. I need to see the doctor next year for another scope. I am being watched, I suppose. Otto Rank, a disciple of Freud, and a kind of genius — bedmate of Anais Nin — tells a story of his youth. Planning to shoot…

  • Self-Observing As A Defense Against Terror — Or Feeling Damn Helpless

    On 7 July I had my second colonoscopy within 8 years. Supposedly I could have waited 10 years; however, the PA and I decided after a few words about the necessity of having it at all, to go ahead since I had initiated the doctor’s visit. I had no symptoms.…