Author: Matt
I Really Don’t Know Me and I Really Don’t Know You
Recent interactions on a family basis have caused me to reflect. I thought I knew that person and I thought I knew me and what I have realized, if that is the word, is that neither that person nor I really know one another. I am not surprised at all.…
I Am Sitting Here While The Unconscious Gurgles
Again I am at the keys. The urge to write, if that is the right word, is like a gathering of clouds, silky and serene high above. Thoughts flutter about in my mind, Jordan, my son, Jane, her son Lewis coming in tonight from college. l know that within a…
I Feel The Need
At first I wrote a blog every few days. After awhile I chose to do it on a weekly basis. And here I am feeling the need to write something I am not aware of but feel its pressure upon me. The most recent blog was on Chicago and our…
I want to share some of my impressions of Chicago since I now live in Green Valley, Arizona, a geriatric and retirement community which is comprised of somnabulists. Of course, being a dyed-in-the-wool New Yorker, any city is home to me. The visual verticality of skyscrapers and high rises as…