Author: Matt
I Can’t Be The Only One
Allow me to graze into this piece as it is 6:44 AM here in Green Valley. It is first light in the sky. Rarely do I know what I will write about, letting my unconscious percolate until I feel compelled to say something. I always count on the unconscious because it…
On Gruffworld — and the Floater
I have just completed a light edit of the book in manuscript. It is at least 25 years old. It may never see the light of day, all 325 pages or so. it doesn’t work. It doesn’t fly. At the time I tried to bring together my learnings about psychoanalysis…
On La Dolce Vita and the Floater in My Eye
It was 1960 and I saw La Dolce Vita for the first time; it was the only movie in my experience in which patrons got up and left their rows. The movie was complex to my mind. I didn’t get it, nor did I understand that Fellini was educating us…
The Skinny on Sojourner
After writing a book of short stories and a Holocaust fiction, what I write now weighs on me. It reminds me of that writer’s cliche of having to come up to the parity of the first published book; the second novel, I suppose, is a killer. The irony about Sojourner…