Author: Matt
The New Goebbels Of The Airwaves
Watching Glen Beck on Tuesday, 1 September, I heard this pastiche: I am a self-educated man…I put myself through school…I am a clown…My daughter disagreed with me on a historical point so I studied history… I read about the Progressive Movement in this country…Goebbels studied this movement to learn about…
On Glen Beck
Chubby, pudgy, with brush haircut, always wearing poorly coordinated clothes (tasteless, like himself), small specks of dry skin on the right side of his lower lip, with elaborate and future jowls, he reminds me of ignorance dressed in knowledgeabilty, much more entertainer than commentator, stuffed like a turkey with opinions on…
I’m revising my new book of short stories and hopefully my last on the Holocaust. I think it has some measure of character to it but I’m not sure. I believe the stories in which I allowed my fantasy to take over may be the better ones, again who knows. I may…
Sitting downstairs is the first good draft of the above titled book. Coming in about 185 pages, it contains about 20 or more original stories written since I thought about writing such a book, I believe, in May 2009. Jane will do the first reading of it, writing notes for her…