Author: Matt
Ducks and Drakes, 5
In the selections from “Gruffworld” which follow, substitute the writer for each time the Gruff muses about self and other in this apocalyptic world. Finally, the largest slab gave more than all the rest. It fed continuity and brought about sense. The gruff was no longer diffident, but vastly curious…
Ducks and Drakes, 4
In the summer of 1975 or 1976 I began to write a series of short stories which later developed into a science fiction fantasy, called “Gruffworld.” When I look back upon it, Krishnamurti and Langs were fused together as I depicted an apocalytic existence in an apocalyptic world. That is, a…
Ducks and Drakes, 3
During the seventies when I was engaged or “infected” by K’s teachings I began to integrate what I had learned as a therapist in training, all those readings of a different kind of masters and the writings of K. I spent an inordinate amount of time working on an extended…
Ducks and Drakes Continued
NOTE TO THE READER: in the following severabl blogs, all called Ducks and Drakes, I am giving you the early beginnings of a new memoir, if you will. I will not blog for awhile, but if I do it will be to continue with Ducks and Drakes With Krishnaji. I…