Author: Matt
A Lie Well Told
I have mailed out about 45 to 50 review copies of This Mobius Strip of Ifs. My son, friends and a few acquaintances have gotten copies as a kind of sharing, a giving of a kind. The book has crossed the pond, sailed to Bangalore and Malaysia and has reached…
Since the book has been published I no longer own it, except for the self within myself. Bloggers are now assessing , labeling , acquiring it within their idiosyncratic perceptions; and what they have written makes sense here and there, but it is all rather ineffable. It is as if I,…
Review of “This Mobius Strip of Ifs” by Diana Stevan
This review of “This Möbius Strip of Ifs” by Diana Stevan on her blog as well as on GoodReads. Much thanks to Diana for her kind words about the book. This Mobius Strip of Ifs – A Remarkable Book When I opened the book This Mobius Strip of Ifsby Mathias B. Freese,…
Review of “This Mobius Strip of Ifs” by Sam Sattler
This review of “This Möbius Strip of Ifs” by Sam Sattler appeared on his Book Chase website. A slightly edited on version is available on Amazon. Much thanks to Sam for his kind words about the book. This Mobius Strip of Ifs Seldom have I run across a collection of…