Author: Matt
Gems from 2012-2013
All I ever need to know about life I learned from Star Trek. I pre-registered at the UNLV Division of Educational Outreach last Saturday in preparation of taking a few courses in the next few months. I am trying to counter the boredom of this state and to engage my own…
1958 – Goodbye to All That
In 1958 Eisenhower was still in office. It felt to me that the entire country was in a comfortable snooze. I attended Jamaica High School, a huge mound of bricks, granite and concrete that stood on an imposing hillock across the street from a kettle pond made by the glaciers thousand of years ago.…
Deja Vu Redux
When I come to write a new blog I review all kinds of things in my mind, hoping to choose a viable theme or a topic that will make me commit myself to writing something of some worth. Unlike other bloggers, I have no “followers.” I just write my merry heart out and post…
40/150 “Sunflowers” Sarah Rishel
A still life, a table covered in a partially blue checkered cloth with blue horizontal bands on which are pears, what looks like a high bowl of plums and a plate of grapes. On the table is a white and blue pitcher ladened with sunflowers. To the right of this…