Author: Matt
He Just Writes
After forty-two years I decided to return to psychotherapy. It was not a decision, says the cliché, that was easily arrived at. I can share, which is my nature, some of what motivated me to do so. Some feelings I will keep to myself where they mostly belong. Last year was one…
On Teaching Writing
If all goes well, I will be teaching a course in writing in spring 2014. Through some self-promoting and hustling what I can offer as a writer, I got the go ahead from an administrator. If there are enough registrants for the course, it is on. So I have been giving it…
Why I Write
The blurb “About OLLI” reads: “The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas…is a member-led, vibrant learning community of more than 1,300 retired and semi-retired adults…Our classes are purely for enjoyment — there are no tests, grades, or credits. Prior college experience is not required, only…
Traveling the Mobius Strip: Excerpts from All my books and the Story Told
Traveling the Mobius Strip Childhood and Adolescence The Parable of the Sea Wall “Something by someone close to me has been done to me and so well and so insidiously and so powerfully, systematically, slyly and cunningly and incremently, over eons of psychic time, that it has taken more…