Mathias B. Freese

Teacher and psychotherapist, I hold masters degrees in secondary education and social work from Queens College of the City University of New York and Stony Brook University. For more than thirty years I taught English and social studies in New York secondary schools. An analytically trained and insight-oriented psychotherapist, I have incorporated my abiding interest in Eastern thought into my life and my work, leading workshops on experiential and psycho-spiritual approaches to inner awareness
Listed in Who’s Who in America, 56th Edition, Who’s Who Among American Teachers, A Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers, and the International Authors Who’s Who, my work emphasizes creativity, spiritual wisdom, self-awareness, transcendence, and meaning. My short fiction has appeared in Jewish Currents, Pig Iron Press, and Skywriters, among other magazines. My nonfiction articles have appeared in the New York Times, Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, and Publishers Marketing Association Newsletter. In 2005, the Society of Southwestern Authors honored me with a first-place award for personal/essay memoir.

Within a two-week span, I wrote i, the first novella of my i Tetralogy. The next three volumes, I Am Gunther, Gunther’s Lament, and Gunther Redux followed in quick succession, fulfilling a compelling, psychologically imaginative need on my part to fathom my own personal sense of Shoah. At the center of the apocalyptic nightmare of the Holocaust is most everything we need know about our nature — and our gods, I have concluded. And so the i Tetralogy aspires to reflect the shadow of that stark reality that happened more than sixty years ago but perturbs us to this day. Google my name or i Tetralogy to find reviews and interviews with me. In January Down to a Sunless Sea, a collection of my short stories, will be published; recently the Tetralogy was awarded the Allbooks Reviews Editor’s Choice Award for best historical fiction of 2007.
You may contact me here.
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