In this impressive and varied collection of creative essays, Matthias B. Freese jousts with American culture. A mixture of the author’s reminiscences, insights, observations, and criticism, This Mobius Strip of Ifs examines the use and misuse of psychotherapy, childhood trauma, complicated family relationships, his frustrations as a teacher and the enduring value of tenaciously writing through it all.
Freese scathingly describes the conditioning society imposes upon artists s and awakened souls. Whether writing about the spiritual teacher Krishnamurti, poet and novelist Nikos Kazantzakis, or film giants such as Orson Welles and Buster Keaton, the author skewers where he can and applauds those who refuse to compromise and conform. The profound visceral truths in this book will speak to anyone who endeavors to be completely alive and aware.
– Lewis Baker
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